延べ220曲のうち、もっとも多かったのが、「The Eraser」収録曲でした。
演奏回数(延べ) | アルバム | 名義 |
32 | The Eraser | Thom Yorke |
26 | Kid A | Radiohead |
23 | ANIMA | Thom Yorke |
23 | In Rainbows | Radiohead |
21 | Amnesiac | Radiohead |
19 | Suspiria | Thom Yorke |
18 | 未収録曲*1 | Thom Yorke |
12 | OK Computer | Radiohead |
11 | A Moon Shaped Pool | Radiohead |
8 | Tomorrow’s Modern Boxes | Thom Yorke |
6 | Amok | Atoms For Peace |
6 | The Bends | Radiohead |
6 | The King of Limbs | Radiohead |
4 | A Light for Attracting Attention | The Smile |
2 | Hail to the Thief | Radiohead |
2 | Psyence Fiction | UNKLE |
1 | 未収録曲*2 | Radiohead |
*1:Back in the Game(新曲)、Hearing Damage *2:Follow Me Around
演奏回数(延べ) | 名義 |
108 | Radiohead |
100 | Thom Yorke |
6 | Atoms For Peace |
4 | The Smile |
2 | UNKLE |
演奏回数(延べ) | 曲 |
10回 | Atoms for Peace、Back in the Game(新曲)、Cymbal Rush、Idioteque、Not the News、Packt Like Sardines in a Crushd Tin Box、Volk |
9回 | Last I Heard (…He Was Circling the Drain) |
8回 | All I Need、Hearing Damage |
6回 | Bloom、Default、Everything in Its Right Place、Suspirium |
5回 | Airbag、Black Swan、How to Disappear Completely、I Might Be Wrong、Kid A、Present Tense、Pyramid Song、Reckoner、The Eraser、Weird Fishes/Arpeggi |
4回 | A Brain in a Bottle、Dawn Chorus、Fake Plastic Trees、Glass Eyes、Let Down、Pana-Vision |
3回 | Bodysnatchers、Truth Ray、Unmade |
2回 | Daydreaming、Lucky、Rabbit in Your Headlights、Sail to the Moon、The Clock |
1回 | (Nice Dream)、Follow Me Around、Jigsaw Falling Into Place、Karma Police、Like Spinning Plates、Nose Grows Some、Street Spirit (Fade Out)、Videotape |
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